Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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291 lines
(herald retrieve
(env tsys (osys dump_codes)))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
;;; adaptation thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
;;; Retrieving dumped objects.
;;; See dump_codes.t, dump.t as well.
;;; This is a vector containing a procedure to decode each possible type byte.
;;; Initially it is filled with an error routine.
(define *decode-dispatch-vec* (make-vector 256))
(vector-fill *decode-dispatch-vec*
(lambda (code in)
(ignore in)
(error "retrieve got an unknown type code ~S" code)))
;;; Puts the proper procedure into the dispatch vector. There are four
;;; decoding procedures.
(define (add-dispatch code shared? data?)
(receive (proc count)
(cond ((and shared? data?)
(return decode-shared&data 8))
(return decode-data 4))
(return decode-shared 2))
(return decode-plain 1)))
(do ((i code (fx+ 1 i)))
((fx>= i (fx+ code count)))
(set (vref *decode-dispatch-vec* i) proc))))
;;; These are the four type-byte decoders. They just extract the
;;; proper fields and return them along with the normalized type
;;; code.
(define (decode-plain code in)
(ignore in)
(return code nil nil))
(define (decode-shared code in)
(ignore in)
(return (fixnum-logand code #xFE) (fixnum-odd? code) nil))
(define (decode-data code in)
(let ((data (fixnum-logand code #x3)))
(return (fixnum-logand code #xFC) nil (get-bytes in (fx+ 1 data)))))
(define (decode-shared&data code in)
(let ((data (fixnum-ashr (fixnum-logand code #x6) 1)))
(return (fixnum-logand code #xF8)
(fixnum-odd? code)
(get-bytes in (fx+ 1 data)))))
;;; All of the handled types.
(add-dispatch dump/null nil nil)
(add-dispatch dump/char nil nil)
(add-dispatch dump/true nil nil)
(add-dispatch dump/pair t nil)
(add-dispatch dump/coded t nil)
(add-dispatch dump/object-ref nil t)
(add-dispatch dump/positive-fixnum nil t)
(add-dispatch dump/negative-fixnum nil t)
(add-dispatch dump/string t t)
(add-dispatch dump/symbol t t)
(add-dispatch dump/vector t t)
(add-dispatch dump/byte-vector t t)
(add-dispatch dump/positive-bignum t t)
(add-dispatch dump/negative-bignum t t)
(add-dispatch dump/double-flonum t t)
;;; Opens a dumped file, reads in the counts of shared objects,
;;; makes vectors to hold the shared objects, and returns an object
;;; for the port.
(define-predicate retrieve-port?)
(define-operation (retrieve-port-magic-number self) 0)
(define-operation (set-decoder self decoder))
(define retrieve-magic-number -1)
(define (default-retrieve-decoder x) ;++ Code Gen bug
(ignore x)
(return nil nil))
(define (maybe-open-retrieve-file filename)
(let ((in (maybe-open filename 'in)))
(if (not in)
(let ((magic (get-bytes in 4)))
(cond ((fx= magic retrieve-magic-number)
(let ((port (make-retrieve in)))
(set-decoder port default-retrieve-decoder) ;++ fix this
;++ flush
; (else
; (format t "~&** Warning: obsolete dump file ~A~%"
; (filename->string filename))
; (close in)
; (let ((in (maybe-open filename 'in)))
; (make-old-retrieve in))))))))
(error "bad magic dump number in ~S" filename)))))))
(define (make-retrieve in)
(let* ((duplicate-count -1)
(status (locative duplicate-count)))
(receive (done? size)
(check-port-status in (get-bytes in 4))
(let ((objects (make-vector size))
(decoder nil)) ;++ fix this richard
(object nil
((read self)
(if done?
(end-of-file self)
(receive (end? obj)
(retrieve-object in status objects decoder))
(if end? (set done? t))
((close self)
(close in))
((set-decoder self d)
(set decoder d))
((retrieve-port-magic-number self) retrieve-magic-number)
((retrieve-port? self) '#t)
((print-type-string self) "Retrieve-port"))))))
(define (check-port-status in obj)
(let ((byte (readc in)))
(cond ((eof? byte)
(return t (error "corrupt dump file - unexpected EOF")))
((fx= dump/begin-object (char->ascii byte))
(return nil obj))
((fxn= dump/end-of-file (char->ascii byte))
(return t (error "corrupt dump file - missing BEGIN-OBJECT")))
((not (eof? (readc in)))
(return t (error "corrupt dump file - END-OF-FILE inside file")))
(return t obj)))))
;;; Read in and decode the next type byte. Checks for end-of-file.
(define (get-next-code in)
(let ((char (readc in)))
(if (eof? char)
(error "corrupt dump file - unexpected EOF")
((vref *decode-dispatch-vec* (char->ascii char))
(char->ascii char)
;;; Retrieves the next object. This routine does EOF checking and
;;; adds shared objects to the vectors. Pairs and vectors must
;;; be checked for sharing before their fields are retrieved so
;;; that circular ones will be reconstructed properly.
(define (retrieve-object in status objects decoder)
(iterate next ()
(receive (code shared? data)
(get-next-code in)
(let ((index (if shared?
(modify (contents status)
(lambda (x) (fx+ x 1)))
(receive (thing accessors)
(select code
((dump/object-ref) (return (vref objects data) nil))
((dump/coded) (let* ((key (next))
(data (next))
(count (next)))
(receive (maker accessors)
(decoder key)
(cond ((not maker)
(error '"no maker for key ~S" key))
((fxn= count (length accessors))
'"wrong number of accessors for key ~S" key))
(return (apply maker data)
(return (get-next-object in code data) nil)))
(if shared? (set (vref objects index) thing))
(select code
(set (car thing) (next))
(set (cdr thing) (next)))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ 1 i)))
((fx>= i data))
(set (vref thing i) (next))))
(walk (lambda (acc)
(set (acc thing) (next)))
;;; Actually retrieves the next object. Dispatches on the type code.
(define (get-next-object in code data)
(select code
((dump/null) nil)
((dump/true) '#t)
((dump/char) (readc in))
((dump/positive-fixnum) data)
((dump/negative-fixnum) (fx- 0 data))
((dump/pair) (cons nil nil))
((dump/vector) (make-vector data))
((dump/string) (get-string in data))
((dump/symbol) (string->symbol (get-string in data)))
((dump/double-flonum) (get-double-float in data))
((dump/byte-vector) (get-bytev in data))
((dump/positive-bignum) (get-bignum in data))
((dump/negative-bignum) (- (get-bignum in data)))
(error "retrieve got an unknown type code ~S" code))))
;;; Routines to reconstruct the various types.
(define (get-string in size)
(let ((string (make-string size)))
(read-block in (string-text string) size)
(define (get-double-float in size)
(let* ((sign (if (eq? (get-byte in) 1) 1 -1))
(e (get-bytes in 4))
(m (if (fx= size 0)
(get-bytes in 4)
(get-bignum in size))))
(integer-encode-float sign m e)))
(define (get-bytev in size)
(let ((bytev (make-bytev size)))
(read-block in bytev size)
(define (get-bignum in size)
(let ((num (create-bignum size)))
(set-bignum-sign! num 1)
(do ((i 0 (fx+ 1 i)))
((fx>= i size))
(set (bignum-digit num i) (get-bytes in 4)))
;;; Read in various numbers of bytes.
(define (get-byte in)
(char->ascii (readc in)))
(define (get-two-bytes in)
(let ((value (get-byte in)))
(fixnum-logior (fixnum-ashl (get-byte in) 8)
(define (get-bytes in count)
(let ((end (fixnum-ashl count 3)))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ 8 i))
(val 0 (fixnum-logior (fixnum-ashl (get-byte in) i)
((fx>= i end)